
Now that  you know your niche - it is time to familiarize yourself with forums in your niche subject. 
What is a forum?  An internet forum – also called web forum – is an online discussion group. Often huge in numbers – these online communities gather to discuss certain topic.
Most people have a problem finding forums.  But all you have to do is Google 'forum and your particular subject'… e.g., forums weight loss, or forum writing tips.

Just enter the topic of your niche - and you will find all the forums you could possibly  want on that subject.   Some forums will of course be better than others - but spending only a few hours searching will allow you to discover the best forum(s) for you.
For example: Google "forum cake decorating" and you will be swamped with forum sites about cake decorating.

Once you've chosen one --  start to get involved.  Read posts.  Ask questions.  Don't be shy! See who posts good content.  Learn as much as you can about your niche.  Spend a few days learning your way around these forums.  Start contributing!
If you don't know what to say - just post a thread introducing yourself!  You will get a lot of response from other members welcoming you. Very quickly you will discover you are amongst a safe and supported network of like-minded individuals.      
Ask questions.  If you are not sure of something - ask! You should aim to become actively involved with forums for two reasons.

   ONE:  To learn as much as you can. 
   TWO: to cultivate relationships with other forum members. 

Look at other member's websites.  Approach other members direct.  Do this often.  See a website you like?  Email them and tell them! 
Very quickly you will build relationships with others in the same niche as you.  
There is a good reason for this... Spend  a few short weeks building relationships with as many people as you can in your niche, commenting on their site, asking questions, finding out how they started, etc.

It is by far the simplest way to increase a network of contacts/friends online.  Who wouldn't like an email from somebody complimenting their site?
It is VERY easy to create a solid network of people you have met online - in the same niche as  you - within a few short weeks.
Once you have spent a few weeks getting comfortable with various forums in your niche  the real fun part begins.
This next bit will take a bit more work - but the results are well worth it.

A great way to build your list - is to offer something of value for free.  The simplest way to do this is to write a short report.

Now - please - do not panic if you have never written something before. 

Remember this is a business based on relationships.  By now you will have a few
relationships that you have cultivated in your niche.  
Using the knowledge that you already have in your niche (assuming you picked a niche you know about)  you simply put together a few short pages of USEFUL information. For example - you could easily write a short report called  "Cake Decorating Tips for Beginners."
Inside your report put a number of links to your website. 

You give this report to those people you have already built a relationship with. 
Simply email  them direct and tell them they can use it/read it/have it, etc.  Most people are only too happy to get something of quality that they can use - for free. 

Many of your contacts will already have a website - and if you have already built a relationship with them - most will be delighted for some good quality content for free. 

If they have a list, allow them to send your report to their subscribers. Post a thread on the various forums - telling of your free report.
Long story short - give away your report for free. This will cost you zero money - just a bit of time and effort.

Before you know it - your report will be out there.  On the front page of your report you will have something like "For more free  information and  more tips and tricks, sign up for free to"

Let's recap!

  1. Join the various forums related to your niche.
  2. Spend a few days learning how they work.
  3. Start contributing.  Don't be scared.  Ask questions.  Email members.  Get involved.
  4. Start building relationships/friends in the various forums.
  5. Create a very simple, short, free report on the same subject as your niche.
  6. Post a thread telling of your free report.
  7. Email the new contacts you have made about your report.
  8. Watch as you begin to get subscribers to your site.
All these info and more at Chris Farrell Membership Site! Check it out!


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