Chris Farrell Membership

“ it really possible to create a lucrative income online...?”
“ it really possible to create a simple website and earn from it...?”
Let me introduce you to Chris Farrell… and in his own words -- tell you about his success:

I'm 41 years old - from London, England -- but live with my wife Frida - and our four dogs (Alan, George, Mr Stevens and Lea) in Beverly Hills, California. Number 5 is on the way. Dog that is -- not wife.
And yes - I do earn my full time living making money online.

I was 'playing around' online at the very end of 2007. But I didn't take things seriously until 2008. I put my first site online in February 2008.

I started working hard and studying Internet Marketing from April 2008.
  • After 6 months I had my first $250/days.
  • Within 9 months I had my first $1000/days.
In August 2010 - I launched my first ever high end product launch. The product went live on August 24th 2010. Less than 24 hours later - this product had made over $1million in sales (yes - $1 million)(all verifiable).

The total sales over the 5 days we opened the doors - almost nudged $2million.
100% of these incomes are generated 100% online - and are 100% verifiable.

I am even more proud of the fact that this Membership Site - has been voted the No.1 Online Coaching Program for 2010/2011 - by

As a result of this -- I have spoken with and been invited to speak with many great thought leaders and industry experts - including Brian Tracy, Gary Vaynerchuck, T Harv Eker, Alex Mandossian, Richard Branson and even Bill Clinton.

I am the first to admit that this whole 'internet thing' still continues to amaze me.

I am now a full time Internet Marketer and Product Developer working from home.

I often say - after asking my wife to marry me - creating my own web based business has been one of the the best decisions of my life.

But before I began - the questions above were the exact questions I had been asking myself for YEARS.
I was fascinated by the whole 'making money online' business (and still am).

But it wasn't until April 2008 that I finally TOOK ACTION and did something about it.

Has it been easy? Honestly

But can it be done? With the correct mindset, most certainly...yes.

If there is ONE thing I have learned - it is as follows.

Making Money Online is a skill. Just like plumbing, or carpentry, or cooking. But just like ANY skill -- it can be learned.

I have now taught thousands (literally) how to get started and begin their online business.

This ranges from those that view the web as 'a bit of fun' and who'd like to earn a small bit of pocket money - to those who see it as an opportunity to become their own boss and change their financial situation to look after those near and dear to them (which is the reason I started).

I and my team reply personally to every email I receive.

But don't take my word for it. Please Google me or click here to see a selection of the thousands (yes, really!) of verifiable testimonials.

I have created this site for one reason and one reason only - to help you create a profitable web business.
My aim quite simply is to create the membership site that I wished existed when I began.

If you are anything like me - by far the biggest hurdle of wanting to create a successful web business - is knowing exactly what to do - and in what order.

In fact - having a lack of 'structure' was probably the biggest hurdle that I faced when I began online.
I'm sure you've asked yourself these questions - I know I certainly did at first...

Where do I go?
What do I do?
What's the next step?

It's very easy to get caught in the paralysis of analysis isn't it?

Well...don't worry!

Half the reason I created this Membership Site is to demystify the entire making money online process - and break down every single element into simple - easy to manage - bite size pieces.

I would be delighted to welcome you aboard. It's an exciting adventure, and now really is the time to start.

I'm reminded of that beautiful saying, that I've always felt is perfect to describe creating a web business:

     Come to the edge, he said. They said, we are afraid. Come to the edge, he said. And so they came. And he pushed them. And they flew... -Guillaume Apollinaire-


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