The Attraction of a Home Based Affiliate Marketing Business

Most people dream of leaving their jobs and start their own business but are scared to do so because of the fear of leaving a secure source of income. This is especially true when you don’t have the capital to get a business up and running.

However, starting a home based affiliate marketing business is relatively easy and its attraction is due to the following factors:

1. Work from Home
One of the most desirable factors is the privilege of being able to work from your own home. Your home is your most comfortable surrounding. Everything you want and need is right there. If you have small children, a home business is even better. You can work and still be home with the children. You also don’t need to worry about commuting and work wardrobes. You can work when you want and schedule your jobs around your other commitments. Working from home does provide people with many wonderful advantages.

2. Low Risk Level
Even small businesses need a fairly large amount of capital. Most people rely on banks for the financing which puts them at further risks. But with affiliate marketing business, when you sign up as an affiliate, the risk level drops by about 90 percent -- as an affiliate, you sell goods or services on behalf of another company. You are paid according to how well you perform. You don’t have to worry about sales targets and making a certain amount every month. The company you work for worries about all of that. You concentrate on selling the goods and services that you want and increasing your earnings.

3. Less Stress due to Competition
Other types of home based business has to worry about competition. Unless you really hit upon a niche market you are likely going to have to attract customers away from already established businesses in your area. This can be difficult because customers tend to trust what they know is good. If you do manage to do it you will be creating some bad blood between you and other businesses. But with affiliate marketing programs, you’ll be selling products that have already been on the market. You can actually check the salability of these products with the company. If the products you choose are well known and trusted then you won’t have a problem attracting customers. This takes the stress off of you.

4. Easier to Manage and Promote
On average, nearly 70 percent of small businesses fail in the first year. Those that do make it still have many hurdles to get past. It usually takes 5-7 years to realize any significant profit in a sole proprietorship. During this time the business owners have to continually promote their business just to keep it afloat. A home based affiliate marketing business is much easier to manage. You will have to work hard to promote yourself but most of the start up work will be done for you. You’ll have your line of products or services,  and you’re provided means to advertise them. You’ll also have support from the company. They will be on hand to answer questions and offer advice on how to increase your sales. Remember, the better you  perform, the bigger their sales.

Affiliate Marketing Basics

Everybody wants to make some extra money.  Even a little amount that can supplement an income can be a huge help. Today it is easier than you think to get a little extra cash in your bank accounts. Most people today have a personal website. You, too can get one for  free and use them to keep others informed of what you are doing. You can even generate some extra cash from your website. By placing some ads on your site, you have the potential to earn some cash.

Here’s how it works -- when people visit your site, they see an ad that may interest them, they click on it,  and you receive what is known as a referral payment. The more clicks the better. Gradually your earnings will increase as your website gets viewed.

You’re not likely going to get rich with just your own personal website. However, it is a way to get started. You may want to create another site and you can start turning this into a money-making venture. You could sign up for an affiliate program and make money through their ads. To do this, you need to think of an appropriate affiliate program that readers of your site would appreciate. For example, if your site is about pets, you may want to look for affiliates that work with pet supplies, pet food or veterinary services. You’ll want to have affiliates that will enhance your site. Having ads for rare books or sporting goods on a pet’s website isn’t going to attract too much attention.

Once you have a site up and running, you need to get a list of affiliate companies that will give you their advertising banners. There are loads of companies on the net that will help you. You can also get performance statistics on them as well. You will be able to track how much you will earn and how you will be paid. Once you get a few banners onto your site you’ll be able to check the progress for yourself.

Two companies that are incredibly popular are commission junction and link share. They will help you find affiliates for your website. They have loads of good, accurate information available on what companies would be best and how well they perform.

Signing up for one of these affiliate programs is easy. You will be asked for personal information so don’t be put off. This is necessary because they will be paying you commission money. Once you sign up you will need to think about which programs to choose.

Commission junction has all of the information available on which companies pay which rates of commission. They also have information on how well and timely they make their payments. If a company is a shaky reputation, commission junction will know about it.

So, if you’re looking to make a little more money, then  take the first step and turn your personal website into a cash-generating site.  Get those affiliate marketing programs running  on your site and start making money.  You can always expand and create different websites. The more ads you can get the better. Affiliate marketing is a great way to help you earn money.

For more information on how you can make money online, visit this site:

Love and Time

Love and Time
Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love.

One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all the feelings constructed boats and left.

Except for Love.

Love was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment.

When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help.

Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat. Love said, "Richness, can you take me with you?"

Richness answered, "No, I can't. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for you."

Love decided to ask Vanity who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel, "Vanity, please help me!"

"I can't help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat," Vanity answered.

Sadness was close by so Love asked, "Sadness, let me go with you."

"Oh . . . Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!"

Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called her.

Suddenly, there was a voice, "Come, Love, I will take you."
It was an elder.

So blessed and overjoyed, Love even forgot to ask the elder where they were going.

When they arrived at dry land, the elder went her own way.

Realizing how much was owed to this mystery elder, Love asked Knowledge, another elder, "Who helped me?"

"It was Time," Knowledge answered.

"Time?" asked Love. "But why did Time help me?"

Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, "Because only Time is capable of understanding how valuable Love is."


I have stressed the fact that making money online has to start with Building A List. Now -- in order to build a list, we need to drive traffic into our websites. Then to drive traffic into our websites, we need to offer a free gift -- a short report or an eBook about your niche.

Let me just complicate it a little by introducing to you the autoresponder.

Autoresponders are online marketer's secret weapon. The functions of the autoresponder are:

1. It allows the easy creation of an "opt in" form on your website
2. It collects email addresses of visitors to your website
3. It sends automatic messages to your prospects

A prospect is someone who has signed up to your site - those who have given you their email addresses. An autoresponder is very important therefore, because it allows you to build a relationship with the people who have signed up. Your autoresponder will enable you to send emails to your list automatically. This is the reason this type of marketing is called "email marketing." It takes on average 7 messages before a prospect makes a purchase.

The autoresponder does not write the emails for you. What it does is send out to your prospects at regular intervals the sequence of emails that you have written yourself.

This is how it works:

  •  A visitor arrives at your site.
  • There is an opt in form on your site.
  •  In return for the visitor giving you their email address (and now becoming a member of your list) 
  •  you offer a free report or something of value.
  •  Once you have this prospect's email address your autoresponder will automatically begin emailing
  •  your prospect the messages you have previously written. These messages will build a relationship
  •  with your prospect.

Getting Started in 3 Easy Steps:

1. You will need to use a professional autoresponder service. If you want to build a list - this is a must have. Your list will be the life blood of your business - treat it well and respect it.

2. Add an Opt In form to your website.

3.  Create and send follow up emails to your list - to forge and nurture a relationship.

People will give you their permission to receive emails from you - in return you will offer something of value, such as: free report, ebook, tips, advice, problem solving articles, etc...

If you find this business as exciting as I have found it... then you need a mentor who will take you by the hand. Don't be like me who did it by "trial and error" and wasted money paying for courses that I haven't learned from. Go directly to the ONE who has been a great help in this endeavor. You will not regret it if you join Chris Farrell Membership Site. He makes learning not only easy but fun.




Free Short Report

A great way to drive traffic to your site is by offering a free short report -- anything between 4-7 pages. This report will deliver targeted information in an easily accessible format -- that your niche will be interested in.

The best thing you can possibly do is give somebody information they want, or answer a question they are asking. Offering a free report that answers a question that many want to know -- will certainly get you noticed.

So how do you know what people are asking?

Go to any forum in your niche -- and look at the hundreds of questions that are being posted. This is a goldmine waiting to be tapped for the savvy individual. What's to stop you  looking at the answers and using the replies and comments to create your own short report?

Suddenly you will have a hot report addressing an issue that you know many are interested in. Although this may be a new concept to you -- the results can be extremely powerful.

Many forums have hundreds of threads and comments to one topic that someone has posted. That's how much interest there is in the subject matter. All you have to do is visit a forum in your niche subject -- and look at the most popular subjects being discussed.

Now -- I am not advocating using other peoples words. Do not do that! But instead read all the replies to a popular topic -- and then re-write into your own words. You will already have a huge amount of material from the replies to use as inspiration.

A really simple way to quickly gather his information and turn it into a free short report - is to write a Top 10 report on your niche subject. Top 10, Top 11, Top 20 formulas always work well.

For example - imagine your niche is the Wedding Business. Others in the same niche could be interested in a free report entitled  "10 Glorious Honeymoon Locations." And you would simply compile this from information gathered from various posts on this subject matter.

In the childcare business - do the "Top 10 Pets for Children" short report. Let your imagination run wild with the Top 10 ideas in your niche subject.

Once you start thinking, it really is very easy to create an original short report within the hour.

However, there is a powerful method to get your short report written for you -- for free.

Working in your niche, think of a topic that would make an interesting report. If your niche is ebay - a short report about the biggest sale made using ebay would be something many would like to read. For Fishing niche - secret great fishing locations. Health niche - the Top 10 Headache Cures.

The possibilities are endless once you start flexing your creative muscles.  Then simply post a new topic on a forum explaining exactly what you are doing and wait for the replies.

Below is an actual example from Chris Farrell. He posted the following thread on 3 different forums:

"Hello everyone... I'm writing an ebook called "My Biggest Website Regret" mainly coz I've made a few and it's always helpful to learn from others.

Would anybody be prepared to share some of your mistakes from your early days in this bizz? Maybe you are still in your early days and you have made a few errors along the way that you'd be prepared to share?

I will gladly include your link in the ebook from any quote/anecdote you can provide.

Thank you all very much..."
Within 24 hours ... he had over 100 replies. All he had to do is compile the responses into a list format - write a quick beginning and end - put his website address at the bottom of every page - and he will have a great targeted information product that he can use to build his list.

He could even call it "The Top 101 Website Mistakes - and How To Avoid them."

Are you now beginning to see how easy it is to post a thread, gather the replies, and package the information into an exclusive ebook or free short report?


Now that  you know your niche - it is time to familiarize yourself with forums in your niche subject. 
What is a forum?  An internet forum – also called web forum – is an online discussion group. Often huge in numbers – these online communities gather to discuss certain topic.
Most people have a problem finding forums.  But all you have to do is Google 'forum and your particular subject'… e.g., forums weight loss, or forum writing tips.

Just enter the topic of your niche - and you will find all the forums you could possibly  want on that subject.   Some forums will of course be better than others - but spending only a few hours searching will allow you to discover the best forum(s) for you.
For example: Google "forum cake decorating" and you will be swamped with forum sites about cake decorating.

Once you've chosen one --  start to get involved.  Read posts.  Ask questions.  Don't be shy! See who posts good content.  Learn as much as you can about your niche.  Spend a few days learning your way around these forums.  Start contributing!
If you don't know what to say - just post a thread introducing yourself!  You will get a lot of response from other members welcoming you. Very quickly you will discover you are amongst a safe and supported network of like-minded individuals.      
Ask questions.  If you are not sure of something - ask! You should aim to become actively involved with forums for two reasons.

   ONE:  To learn as much as you can. 
   TWO: to cultivate relationships with other forum members. 

Look at other member's websites.  Approach other members direct.  Do this often.  See a website you like?  Email them and tell them! 
Very quickly you will build relationships with others in the same niche as you.  
There is a good reason for this... Spend  a few short weeks building relationships with as many people as you can in your niche, commenting on their site, asking questions, finding out how they started, etc.

It is by far the simplest way to increase a network of contacts/friends online.  Who wouldn't like an email from somebody complimenting their site?
It is VERY easy to create a solid network of people you have met online - in the same niche as  you - within a few short weeks.
Once you have spent a few weeks getting comfortable with various forums in your niche  the real fun part begins.
This next bit will take a bit more work - but the results are well worth it.

A great way to build your list - is to offer something of value for free.  The simplest way to do this is to write a short report.

Now - please - do not panic if you have never written something before. 

Remember this is a business based on relationships.  By now you will have a few
relationships that you have cultivated in your niche.  
Using the knowledge that you already have in your niche (assuming you picked a niche you know about)  you simply put together a few short pages of USEFUL information. For example - you could easily write a short report called  "Cake Decorating Tips for Beginners."
Inside your report put a number of links to your website. 

You give this report to those people you have already built a relationship with. 
Simply email  them direct and tell them they can use it/read it/have it, etc.  Most people are only too happy to get something of quality that they can use - for free. 

Many of your contacts will already have a website - and if you have already built a relationship with them - most will be delighted for some good quality content for free. 

If they have a list, allow them to send your report to their subscribers. Post a thread on the various forums - telling of your free report.
Long story short - give away your report for free. This will cost you zero money - just a bit of time and effort.

Before you know it - your report will be out there.  On the front page of your report you will have something like "For more free  information and  more tips and tricks, sign up for free to"

Let's recap!

  1. Join the various forums related to your niche.
  2. Spend a few days learning how they work.
  3. Start contributing.  Don't be scared.  Ask questions.  Email members.  Get involved.
  4. Start building relationships/friends in the various forums.
  5. Create a very simple, short, free report on the same subject as your niche.
  6. Post a thread telling of your free report.
  7. Email the new contacts you have made about your report.
  8. Watch as you begin to get subscribers to your site.
All these info and more at Chris Farrell Membership Site! Check it out!


In a previous post,  I have talked about Building A List first before you can make money online.  But before we can start Building A List, we have first to get to know about niches.
A niche is a term often used by marketers. By seeking out a specific segment of a market, a website can be developed and promoted quickly to a loyal customer base, giving the marketer a regular income stream.
A niche is one of those  dull, boring industry words, that I'm sure you have heard a lot of people talk about.   But it is however important you understand exactly what it is.
What is niche? 
In laymans terms - your niche is going to be the area in which you intend to make money online - your 'subject matter' if you like.
If you know your niche - CONGRATULATIONS!  A lot of people that make  good money online do this by working in a niche they know something about.

Many people do well online by marketing information from a previous career Offline.   For example, if you were in the mortgage business an obvious niche for you to get into would be giving mortgage tips and advice online.
But please don't worry if you don't know what your niche is right now.  However  - sooner or later you will have to decide.  What interests you - what do you like to read about - what  do you look at when you are online?  All these are clues to a niche that you could do well in.

 If you are brand new to Internet Marketing -  you may start by sticking to the
 BIG THREE niches. They are called the evergreen niches - because they are universally popular and have a lot of people searching and prepared to buy information.  This is vitally important!

And these niches are:


There are subjects within these niches that may interest or excite you. Here are just a few:
        Eating Right
        Weight Loss
        Weight Management
Organic Food
Food supplements
Medical procedures
Hair care
Skin Care
Quit Smoking
Headache Relief
Backpain Relief
Impotence …

        Internet Marketing
        Work From Home
        Start Your Own Business
        Debt Management
        Job Hunting
        Online Trading

        Mind, Body and Spirit
        Personal Development
        Online Study Courses

The list goes on forever ....

   QUESTIONDo you know why we've spent a bit of time talking about niche's?

Because you must ONLY put effort into building a list that is interested in your niche.

   Read that again - because SO many people don't get this... 
    "Only build a list of customers that are interested in your niche"

Building a successful, highly responsive list, is broken down into two elements.  Both are vital to your success online.
You will need to master:
 1. How to generate traffic (ie visitors)  to your site
 2. How to capture your traffic’s information once at your site  (ie how
     to get their name and email address)
If you want to learn more of how to make money online… visit Chris FarrellMembership Site.

Squeeze Page

Any successful marketer will tell you that the majority of their income comes from their own list. Anytime they want extra cash - they send a quick offer to their list – and cash is deposited in their bank account almost immediately.

The good news is - you can easily start building your own list with a one page website.   A well written one page website with the facility to capture email addresses is enough to start.

This one page website is called a Squeeze Page.  A squeeze page is a landing page created to solicit opt-in email addresses from prospective subscribers.

This here is an example of a squeeze page. (Chris Farrell's squeeze page)

A squeeze page is a short webpage that has only one purpose - to get
your visitor to leave their name and email address.

And you need these email addresses to start building your list.

A Squeeze page is designed to get the visitor to give their name and email. You are not selling anything on this page.  All you want are their names and emails to build your list.

It is important that you understand this!!!!  This is the secret to making money online!

A squeeze page has one function only - to get visitors to SIGN UP TO YOUR LIST.

A good squeeze page will entice the visitor to leave their details -  by offering something  of value in return.  Often this is a free eBook or report.  But it must be something of quality.

Now -  if you are a member of Chris Farrell Membership Site, one of the benefits is you can use an eBook written by Chris Farrell to give away and build your own list.  

How do visitors sign up to your list?

Visitors enter their names and emails in the opt-in forms of your squeeze page. I'm sure you have entered your name and email on forms like the image on the left -- to grab a free gift or a free report from a website. This is just one example of an opt-in form.

Note: Members of Chris Farrell's Membership Site enjoy benefits such as free eBooks to give away and the use of his own squeeze page with an opt-in form. JOIN NOW!

Building Your List

How do you actually make money online?

Like in ANY business - there is a system to success.  There is no point embarking upon a business 'hoping' and 'wishing'.  There is a process to learn.  

This is a business based on HAVING A WEB PRESENCE.  That is a
simple, cold fact. The
refore - you WILL need to know some SIMPLE WEB SKILLS.

Now - for a newcomer - creating a website can be terrifying.

However - if you are serious about wanting to make money online - you must get over your web fear.     
Now - products.  This is where a lot of people make a common mistake.

 A lot of people will spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars purchasing
 a veritable orgy of products from experienced marketers - with great
 promises of  riches by 'simply' selling them on.

 But what happens?

 Almost all of the time these products of DVD's or modules or CD ROMS end up
 gathering dust under the bed or in the garage or on a computer's hard drive.

 The problem is - most people do not know what to actually do with products.

Please FORGET about what product(s) you want to sell (for now).

Instead - we are going to tap into a little secret that all successful marketers like to keep relatively quiet.

 QUESTION:  Do you know how the majority of people make money

 ANSWERThey sell direct to their own list. Read that again!!  And think about it.

They sell to people who are already on their database. And how do they have their own database? These marketers work hard to capture our details when we visit their website in the first place.

The Money Is In The List.

These savvy marketers spend time and energy building their list, and then
every time they have a product, they bang out an email to this list. And
because they have spent time cultivating and building a relationship with their
list... sales always follow.
This method has been proven time and time again as so much easier - than
trying to sell 'cold' to a first time visitor to your web business site.

The money really is in the list.

I see many newcomers to this web business make the same mistake.  They
mistakenly believe that simply having a product online (as good as the product
may be) will result in sales. That may have been the case years ago - but not now.
I see so many newcomers these days trying to SELL a product direct from their site IMMEDIATELY. 

This is very, very difficult . A lot of newcomers believe that just HAVING a product on a site is enough. It isn't.   10 years ago maybe -- but not now.

Countless newcomers believe that “all they need is a product online.”  They get all excited about having a shiny, sparkly product. Now this  certainly is NOT crushing any passion or enthusiasm (as that's vitally important...)

Having a product on a site is not enough anymore.  It’s sad that when no sales come in (which invariably is the case) -- the initial all important enthusiasm gets slowly chipped away. Then over the following weeks, it's goodbye excitement and hello resentment. The final rampage is usually something like '...the web is a con, you can't make any money...'

Well...the web is not a con. And there are  nice and generous people online.

And - yes - you can make money.

Nowadays those that are consistently successful online have to work a bit
smarter. Not necessarily harder - but smarter. 

And by that I mean... building your own list.

This business is a marathon
....not a sprint.

You may be excited to get your web business going and your product out there as soon  as possible.   And there is nothing wrong with this enthusiasm.

However...slightly changing your thinking to concentrate (for now) on simply
building your list - will probably be the one defining element that will separate you from the majority of people who do NOT make money online.

You have to give serious consideration to just waiting a few more weeks before you get your first product online - and instead spend the next few weeks beginning to build your own list.
So to sum up - the three most important elements to your web business are:

            1. Building Your List.
            2. Building Your List.
            3. Building Your List.
So many people new to wanting to make money online mistakenly believe that just having a website means they are in business. Wrong.

There is a big difference between having a website and having a business.
Sure - you do need a website. But...there are millions of websites that make NO money. Therefore having a website is NOT a business. Having a product is also NOT a business.

Hundreds of thousands of websites have a product and make no money.

So, what therefore IS the key to making money online?

The answer....CUSTOMERS.  Or in other words...BUILDING YOUR LIST.

Make Money Online

There is a FREE video course entitled "Web Business Explained" which is offered by Chris Farrell in his membership site. This video course is completely free and I assure you that watching this video course is well worth your time and effort.

This course is for anyone who has not yet made money online. In this course, you will be shown the EXACT steps needed to make money online.

Why is Chris Farrell giving this away for free?

Because he genuinely wants to show you that an online income is something that you can achieve -- but only when you understand the process.

Most people do not -- that is why most struggle to make money online. But there is a system -- a process to make money online. If you don't know this process -- you will forever struggle. If you do understand it -- an online income is achievable.

So -- this video will go STEP BY STEP through the entire process.

The videos are 100% FREE!
                                                Free Video Course


Here's something about Making Money Online I picked up from Chris Farrell Membership Site:

Staying on Target by Chris Farrell

The key to succeeding at anything - is persistence. It's not being skilled at something. It's not even having a particular talent. It's simply good old fashioned - 'not quitting'.

Anyone that is successful at anything - will tell you that there were moments when they could have given up. Giving up - is easy. Traveling along a path less traveled - into uncharted waters - is tough.

It takes courage. That's why most people will not do it. Because - frankly - it's scary.

Making Money Online will require you to step out of your comfort zone.

Are you ok with that? You will need to get comfortable - with being uncomfortable. And whats more - you will meet people along the way - maybe even family members - who will call you foolish.

Wish them well - think no ill of them - but equally give no time and energy to their comments.

Some however will have their heads turned by these doubters - will agree with their words - and will quit. Others (will you be one of them?) - will politely acknowledge their comments - but soldier on regardless.

And when you have a moment of self doubt -- which we all do -- you may like to remember one of two of the following...

Here are some famous (and not-so-famous) real life examples of individuals who had others put up barriers in their path -- but they marched on regardless.

  • 'Nobody will watch a show about nothing...' -- what Jerry Seinfeld and co-creator Larry David were first told when they began to pitch Seinfeld.
  • 'There's no market for it. If there were, major airlines would already be offering it...' -- conclusion given to Fred Smith, founder of FEDEX.
  • 'People will rent videotapes, but they'll never buy them...' --opinion of media experts later proved wrong by Jane Fonda's exercise tapes.
  • 'A global, twenty-four-hour news network will never work...' -- network executives' response to Ted Turner's plans for CNN.
  • 'It's a cutthroat business, you've got no chance of success...' -- accountant for Estee Lauder, founder of the multibillion dollar cosmetics empire.
  • 'You're foolish to try and sell sparkling water in the land of Coca-Cola drinkers...' -- advice given to Gustave Leven by several consulting firms when hearing of his plans to launch Perrier in the US.
  • 'It's a huge risk and it will never fly...' -- aeronautical engineers evaluation of Bill Lear's design for a jet.
  • 'Personal computers are a hobbyist fad...' - prediction of IBM, Intel, HP and Atari.My favorite:
  • 'The feedback is the lowest we've ever had, lower than women's bowling, it just won't work...' -- the BBC's comments to Ricky Gervais after a test screening of The Office.

    The moral being.... Henry Ford so famously once put it:  "Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right."

    Making money online requires persistence and a leap of faith. Why not start by getting a mentor? The best mentor ever is Chris Farrell. 
  • Motivational Video

    Need motivation to keep going? Here's a video I found:

    Earn From Your Digital Camera

    Do you want to earn from your digital camera? I'm sure you have taken thousands of pictures with your camera? What do you do with those pictures? Do you have digital pictures in your computer's hard drive?

    Do you want to make money out of them?

    Chris Farrell, the good guy who helps the newcomers who want to make it in the internet world, wrote an eBook on how to  earn $300 a week with your digital camera. If you know how to use a digital camera and you can shoot a picture -- then you can do it!

    Here are some pictures found in that eBook as illustrations. Some of the pictures in the eBook are owned by Chris Farrell while the others he purchased. These simple pictures have earned money for their owners.

    These are screenshots from the eBook for this post's illustration purposes only. Can you take pictures like these?

    My cousin, a multi-awarded photographer got himself a copy of this eBook and was still excited by what he learned from it. He claimed he made extra money from doing what it said.

    A good friend purchased the eBook as a favor to me. The next time we talked, she told me she was able to earn ten times more than what she paid for the eBook.

    What about you? Do you want to earn from your digital camera?
         Earn $300 a Week with your Digital Camera


    My Websites

    These are screenshots of my websites. When I started dabbling in this internet business, I have no idea what to do but after being a member of Chris Farrell Membership Site for barely 6 months, this is what I've got to show -- my websites, live on the internet and working.

    I've been working on my websites on a part-time basis. I created them while holding 3 jobs. How did I do it? I joined Chris Farrell Membership Site. Today, I look at my websites and I can't believe I created them myself with my limited computer skills. Of course, I can surf the internet, send emails but that is as far as I know of the internet.

    But with Chris Farrell's easy, step-by-step guide on how to create your own website, I have my websites that are making me money .... not that shockingly large amount of money yet... but I am going there!

    So what are you waiting for? Join Chris Farrell's Membership Site now!

    Chris Farrell Membership

    “ it really possible to create a lucrative income online...?”
    “ it really possible to create a simple website and earn from it...?”
    Let me introduce you to Chris Farrell… and in his own words -- tell you about his success:

    I'm 41 years old - from London, England -- but live with my wife Frida - and our four dogs (Alan, George, Mr Stevens and Lea) in Beverly Hills, California. Number 5 is on the way. Dog that is -- not wife.
    And yes - I do earn my full time living making money online.

    I was 'playing around' online at the very end of 2007. But I didn't take things seriously until 2008. I put my first site online in February 2008.

    I started working hard and studying Internet Marketing from April 2008.
    • After 6 months I had my first $250/days.
    • Within 9 months I had my first $1000/days.
    In August 2010 - I launched my first ever high end product launch. The product went live on August 24th 2010. Less than 24 hours later - this product had made over $1million in sales (yes - $1 million)(all verifiable).

    The total sales over the 5 days we opened the doors - almost nudged $2million.
    100% of these incomes are generated 100% online - and are 100% verifiable.

    I am even more proud of the fact that this Membership Site - has been voted the No.1 Online Coaching Program for 2010/2011 - by

    As a result of this -- I have spoken with and been invited to speak with many great thought leaders and industry experts - including Brian Tracy, Gary Vaynerchuck, T Harv Eker, Alex Mandossian, Richard Branson and even Bill Clinton.

    I am the first to admit that this whole 'internet thing' still continues to amaze me.

    I am now a full time Internet Marketer and Product Developer working from home.

    I often say - after asking my wife to marry me - creating my own web based business has been one of the the best decisions of my life.

    But before I began - the questions above were the exact questions I had been asking myself for YEARS.
    I was fascinated by the whole 'making money online' business (and still am).

    But it wasn't until April 2008 that I finally TOOK ACTION and did something about it.

    Has it been easy? Honestly

    But can it be done? With the correct mindset, most certainly...yes.

    If there is ONE thing I have learned - it is as follows.

    Making Money Online is a skill. Just like plumbing, or carpentry, or cooking. But just like ANY skill -- it can be learned.

    I have now taught thousands (literally) how to get started and begin their online business.

    This ranges from those that view the web as 'a bit of fun' and who'd like to earn a small bit of pocket money - to those who see it as an opportunity to become their own boss and change their financial situation to look after those near and dear to them (which is the reason I started).

    I and my team reply personally to every email I receive.

    But don't take my word for it. Please Google me or click here to see a selection of the thousands (yes, really!) of verifiable testimonials.

    I have created this site for one reason and one reason only - to help you create a profitable web business.
    My aim quite simply is to create the membership site that I wished existed when I began.

    If you are anything like me - by far the biggest hurdle of wanting to create a successful web business - is knowing exactly what to do - and in what order.

    In fact - having a lack of 'structure' was probably the biggest hurdle that I faced when I began online.
    I'm sure you've asked yourself these questions - I know I certainly did at first...

    Where do I go?
    What do I do?
    What's the next step?

    It's very easy to get caught in the paralysis of analysis isn't it?

    Well...don't worry!

    Half the reason I created this Membership Site is to demystify the entire making money online process - and break down every single element into simple - easy to manage - bite size pieces.

    I would be delighted to welcome you aboard. It's an exciting adventure, and now really is the time to start.

    I'm reminded of that beautiful saying, that I've always felt is perfect to describe creating a web business:

         Come to the edge, he said. They said, we are afraid. Come to the edge, he said. And so they came. And he pushed them. And they flew... -Guillaume Apollinaire-