Step By Step Guide To Making Money Online

  1. Listen to your friends boast about their income online.
You have a free weekend in months and hang out with your friends but all they talk about are their online income. You hear words like ClickBank and Paypal. They taunt you for working hard while they “work smart” but they never give you the exact lowdown on how they do it. It makes you think if these people are really your friends.

  1. Search the internet for everything about making money online.
Google “making money online” and you get a load of information filling your head. Some too good to be true… “income while you sleep”, “in 48 hours, money will flow into your account”, and all those BS!!! Even a newbie cannot take these claims seriously.

  1. Relax and stay away from computer for days due to “information overload” headache and nausea.
The avalanche of information you have encountered is not for the faint of heart. Before you decide to quit, just back off a few days and give yourself time to heal. It’s not flu… it’s just information overload.

  1. Go back and try to figure out who is legit from the hundreds of so-called “gurus” who claim they have the magic formula for making money online.
Every website, every sales page you see and  every video you watch may seem to be what you're looking for… but be very careful because these faceless website owners and actors on video are out to get your money… most of them have nothing to offer that you cannot find FREE in the internet!

  1. Sign up for a membership site.
Sign up for membership sites, enrol in ecourses, buy products left and right... then get a refund. This will go on and on... probably for a month before you find The One!!!

  1. Get your credit cards out and purchase your Domain Name, pay for a webhosting account, and an autoresponder.
Once you find The One who can give you legit information, you may proceed to release that credit card and start your investment. Search for the best domain registrar to purchase your domain name, the best webhosting account , and a good autoresponder. Most of the time, your mentor may recommend the ones he uses… probably because he is an affiliate.

  1. Create your own website because by now you have invested enough and don’t have a budget to outsource your website.
Cry, curse and scream as you figure out how to create your website at the same time trying to understand what HTML, CSS, and FTP stand for. This will probably take you 2 weeks of sleepless nights and starvation.
  1. Create your Facebook Fan Page.
Just as you have figured out how to do the iframes, Facebook changed its look and you’re lost again.

  1. Create your blog.
Go to a free blog platform and get your blog going in minutes.  Stare into blank space while you figure out how to fill your blog with relevant content.  Google your niche and find information that may give you ideas to write about. Don't copy-and-paste. It seems that no one likes that.

  1. Promote your sites.

    Now everything is set-up. You have an amateurish website, a free blog account, and a Facebook Fan Page which you can't even put a cover picture on. All you need is traffic! Do you understand SEO, page ranking, analytics...?  And here again, the internet is full of "successful people" who claim they have found a product that drives millions of unique visitors to your site... once you get sucked into buying their product, of course. Aaaaaarrrggghhhhh!


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